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StatusBroker FeeTermPayed by VendorPaid by BuyerAdvertisers/Media Pack
Residential Sales (Open Agency)2%Open2%0%Open Meida Pack
Residential Sales (Sole Agency)2%60 days2%0%Sole Agent Pack
Commercial Sale (Open Agency)2%Open2%0%Open Meida Pack
Commercial Sale (Sole Agency)2%90 days2%0%Sole Agent Pack

Open Media Pack

Our Team will provide a high level of marketing and advertising.
Please visit our Services Page, our team will select the right products for your property.

Sole Agent Pack

Our team ensures top-tier marketing and advertising services. We invest in effective paid advertising across platforms like Google Ads and Meta (Facebook, Instagram), complemented by targeted letterbox drops within a 5 km radius. This strategy aims to attract a larger audience both online and within the local community.
